Monday, June 2, 2008

Long Long Pubic Hair Pic

Hahaha song
This blog gives so from time to time contract work, but anticipation of obedience, which is also something new. As has Patrick on his blog, the song presented ever, now even the translated text lines to this feel-good song of a different kind video is also in the journal of Patrick.
The weather in Berlin is terrific - and how it should be for Germany, I think it's too hot again, of course, when a little bit of sunshine. However sprout, the hormones do it to them after the flowers and music for good humor is important. Who stands for something more rock, which is on Jaurim in the right place, where they also have many very sad and socially critical songs. What is constant however, is the distinctive voice of the singer - rare in the Korean pop scene, and therefore all the more gladly heard.
하하 하송
Hahaha song
Everything you depressed, making day in this song I'm gonna call
Wenn so ein Tag ist, an dem dich alles sentimental macht, dann sing dieses Lied
still in my heart a flame remaining baby support Do
Du, der du noch Feuerwerk in der Brust hast, lass dich nicht hängen
to fight, hey, hey Will ~ ~
Ich will für dich kä-hä-hä-mpfen
Lalalala ~ you flapping in the sky
Lalalala ~ Ich lass dich in den Himmel fliegen
La Lalala Lalala ~ friend, the newly born
Lalalalalalala ~ Damit du, mein Freund, neu geboren wirst
subservient life fit for you and Does
Denn ein buckelndes Leben, dass passt gar nicht zu dir
head up look for my friend I started axle
Streck die Schultern richtig heraus, mein Freund, denn jetzt geht's los
la la Lalala Lalala ~ heart ~ full kkotpiwoogo friend
Lalalalalala ~ Im Herzen blüht alles volller Blumen Laugh Lalalalala ~ Mein Freund
see haha! Haha! Ha! Haha! Haha! Ha!
Lach wie es dir gefällt Haha! Haha! Ha! Haha! Haha! Ha!
haha! Haha! Ha! Haha! Haha! Ha!
Haha! Haha! Ha! Haha! Haha! Ha!
eyes shining in the blue ocean you're on the
In deinem Strahlen, in deinen Augen ist ein klares Meer
friend hears the song of the waves that song called heart
Hör das Lied der Wellen, mein Freund, es ist das Lied, das dein Herz singt
Hey Hey Goodbye Again I do not cry
Tschüss, tschüss, in Frieden, weine nicht me hr
Lalala Lalala ~ Tomorrow is a new born Sahib
Lalalalalalala ~ Morgen wirst du neu geboren werden
haha! Haha! Ha-ha! Haha! Ha-ha! Haha! Ha-ha! Haha! Ha ~
Haha! Haha! Ha ~ Haha! Haha! Ha ~ Haha! Haha! Ha ~ Haha! Haha! Ha ~
ttansaenggak missing a piece for those who gaze
In den Blicken der Menschen gibt es keinen einzigen anderen Gedanken
courage of those who have Cowardly eyelashes
In den schielenden, mutlosen Blicken der mutlosen Leute
Lalala Lalala ~ friend like a flower smoke
Lalalalalalala ~ Mein Freund, wenn in deinem Herzen Blumen blühen
Lalala Lalala ~ Tomorrow sinnari shining
Lalalalalalala ~ Wird der morgige Tag grandios und glänzend
Lalala Lalala ~ friend Open your hearts to put
Lalalalalalala ~ Mein Freund, öffne dein Herz
Lalala Lalala ~ the sun shining in his chest
Lalalalalalala ~ Damit die Sonne in dieses strahlt
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha
Hahahaha Ha! Hahahaha Ha! Hahahaha Ha!