professional associations and organizations of language schools
In language stays there for any location within a large choice of language schools. It is important that you find a reputable and professional school. An indication of such a school could be that it is connected to a known professional organization.
Every country and every language has to determine the quality criteria and monitor educational institutions. The primary organization for the English-speaking are:
Only independent and reputable language school agencies be allowed for Quality English.
Since May 2004, the two leading associations, and ARELS BASELT united to English UK. English UK is the world's largest association. It owns about for 330 schools, including many of our UK partner schools.
The language school sector in Australia is grouped under the term ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Foreigners). The ELICOS Language School Association provides a network of members and can be contacted at any time with inquiries from international students. The language recognized by ELICOS centers must register with the government have to be classified may permanently.
BRITISH COUNCIL The British Council is the UK's international organization for education and culture. The aim of the establishment is the establishment of mutual relations between people of the United Kingdom and other countries. Many of our UK partner schools are accredited by the British Council.
The ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) is the agency entrusted by the Government of the United States for the Control and inspection of training institutions. These include the schools in the United States of America. Schools accredited by ACCET are among the best in the country.
associations, which represent several languages:
The European Association for Quality Language Services (EQUALS) is a pan-European association of language course providers. It is the only international association of language schools, independent checks carried out to check the quality of its members.
The International Association of Language Centres (IALC) was established in 1983 for the purpose of accreditation and representation of private, independent language schools teaching the official language (s) (s) in your country. Today there are 86 IALC Schools in 21 countries worldwide offering language courses in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or English, and all ages and interests.
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