Sunday, May 25, 2008

Old Park Lane Jewelry

gostop 고스톱
Today is again one of those days where I have a mind to go far back and, like the time when review of Trot ( Part 1, Part 2 ) I would like to combine the pleasant with the useful, as it the topic of today no useful contribution to German sources are, indeed not even in English, there are other related information.
In the following I will about "intercultural transformation popular lecture Komtemplationsalternativen with a concrete case study "and it has teachers Gom is picked out the very nice theme gostop.
What is gostop at all?
gostop (고스톱 ) is the most famous name of the popular Korean card game, which also still under the name Godori (고도리) is known. gostop is the classic version 3 (or more) players, while Matgo () the version is, you can play together. Often The game is also wrongly referred to as Hwatu , but this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding that is set out below. For the whole article is that besides a spectacular work of a professor from the Gongju University is no scientific evidence to be the one. When I talk about the games, then from the standard version as it was taught me. However, there are in every region, indeed in every family variations. In 99% of the cases the basic info, however, coincide with the widespread game in Korea.
What is played and for how long?
All of the above variations are played with the same set of cards that is subject to its Hwatu (), ie flower cards. And we have already arrived at the most sensitive point of the whole subject, namely the origin of the game. Drum roll. Like many modern pastime is playing cards is not a traditional occupation of the Korean people and what we now call Hwatu is a partially modified form of Japanese Hanafuda cards that there were popular for some time before either the colonial time or even some time before coming to Korea. There are many indications that more than contact with traders from Tsushima first in the southeast of Korea, the local dealers and dodgy people with the game came into contact and from there the distribution went on, so that the game is today in Korea, one of the most popular ever and is even on high holy days on the program .
the past but have had card games in Korea, the character of illegal gambling, particularly for educated people was playing cards, nor to money, as unacceptable pastime. In fact, it is also today still considered unseemly, especially when younger women give to the game.
The origins of today's game are probably due to Portuguese cards in the 17 Century came to Japan and there soon enjoyed great popularity. Hanafuda that could eventually be exported, also has something to do with the loosening of the gambling ban in Japan because Hanafuda was considered too long and complicated, to be deemed illegal gambling for money. Interestingly, the mass production of the cards are a well known company then made their first fortune: Nintendo , at that time was already active in the area.
The 48 cards still standard in Korea are in use see this:

have also added to the Koreans in the game even further Joker in immense wealth and variation, but which I in no further mention of this consideration - usually one spiet anyway without them. In addition, there are - in part from artistic, partly out of nationalist interests, and efforts to break from the traditional Japanese forms of maps and find their own motives.
This will then look in the case of a young Hwatus in comic style so from:

And in the case of the trial of the Koreanization Hwatu culture then follow the appropriate statement on all cards can be found in Korean here .

show what the cards?
total there are 48 cards. These are divided into 12 sets of 4 cards. The 12 different "flowers" of the game are set for the cycle of one year of 12 months. Each set of 4 cards turn next to the month of flowers adorned with various special items such as flags, animals, or so-called "Gwang", ie bright lights.
The number of cards shown above, from top to bottom are the 12 sets:
January - Songhak (Crane)
February - Maejo ("Plum bird")
March - Botggot (cherry blossom)
April - Heukssari (black bush clover)
May - Nancho (Orchid, but translation errors from Japanese)
June - Moran (Peony)
July - Hongssari (red bush clover)
August - Gongsan (Bald Mountain)
September - Gukjun (chrysanthemum)
October - Danpung - (fall foliage and maple)
November - Odong - (empress tree)
December - Bi - ( rain)
particular, the part is known for its many exceptions, but in September and November are to be observed. During the months are important in order to collect cards to determine the motives of the captured cards, the final score.
The motifs are:
5 Gwang - "Bright lights", characterized by the Hanja for light (bright), gloss
9 Yeolggeut - to be considered "animals" here is that the Mai-design "web" as an animal, namely as fish under the
10 DDi - "flags", 3 red flags with heading (Hongdan), 3 blue flags with heading (Cheongdan) and 4 red non-literate (Chodan), of which the December Chodan not into three -He set the Chodan heard.
And to finally Pi, ie, flower cards without any motive

How to Play
gostop is a so-called fishing game, that is trying by "fishing" by increasing his score card, where one adds pairs from the same month must collect.
The game is therefore called gostop, because with a specific score acquires the right, either "Go" to say, that is, continue the game with a chance of more points at the same time or risk losing everything as the game winner immediately discontinued.
I explain the game play for the 2-player version Matgo. This is with 10 hidden And 6 cards in hand our cards on the area (Badak) plays that are accessible to everyone and represent the objects to angel. Then, a single turn, until no one has more cards, or told to a stop.
is pulled by his 10 starts with a hand-cards, a map of the appropriate month and then from the stack (Deomi) draws a card. Does this also to a map on the surface, it may also take this to their cards, but are separated from the hand-laid-open tickets.
How do you get points
lights (Gwang)
2 Gwang + Rain Man = 2 point
3 Gwang without rain man = 3 pts
3 Gwang + Rain Man = 3 Pts
4 Gwang + Rain Man = 4 pt
5 Gwang = 15 points

The "Rain Man" is from the December Gwang-Set
Flags (DDI)
3 blue flags (Cheongdan) = 3 pts
3 red flags (Hongdan) = 3 Pts 3 normal
empty flags (Chodan) = 3 pts
From 5 flags = 1 point for each other (example: 6 Flags, 2 pts)

animals (Yeolggeut)
from 5 animals = 1 point for each other (see above)
three normal birds (Godori) = 5 point (ie, part-bird counts here is not!)

void (Pi)
10 or Pi = 1 point for each additional
using this rather complicated distribution of points one has to consider his cards according to each round a new global strategy and this is what's the attraction of the game. There are also advance a number of special cases that one can also throw back.
What else?
bring some special cases a victory, and it often is the case that one first has a disadvantage if one of these but can not harm, will be rewarded in the end for it. Also the fact emerge quickly in the game situations that turn the game completely and transform a train certain victory into a sad defeat can.
4 cards a month to see: Chongtong (leader) = Instant win with 10 pts
3 cards a month to see: Hûndûm (wobble) = profit doubled
Bbôk = 3 cards stacked in a train (no consequences, first )
Sam-yon-bbôk (= 3 times Bbôk) stacked three times three cards = win with 7 pts

1 Pi by the enemy to get to:

All four collected from a month in a train (Ddadak) pulled
dropped and matching card (Jjok

the table in his train emptied (Sseul)
Matching 3 cards to card on the table (Poktan )
points account

goal of the game is so in Matgo 7, to achieve gostop first 3 points, to thereby have the right either to say go and have to collect more points . say, or stop, thus ending the game with a certain victory are golden rules here are not, for a Assessment of the prospects are actually their own cards of the opponent, the necessary lay on the table and the stack. But all the calculations can still provide no security - even if Koreans try imply by their style of play just that.
Go first through the third pays the victory of really, but you have to watch it, whether the opponent may not be so bad that it is also worthwhile to say stop earlier (see Pibak and Gwangbak). Accordingly, one must not only their own points and maps, but also the job of the enemy in view, to decide for oneself what is the best alternative.
Gohwitsu (Number of Gos)
1 Go = 2 x + 1 point
Go = + 3 x 2 point
Go = Score x 2 4 x
Go = Score x 4 5 x
Go = Score x 5
. Despite losing
Gobak = Go = pt x 2 (for opponents)
Pibak = The opponent has less than 8 pt = Pi x 2 =
Gwangbak The enemy has no Gwang pt = x 2 =
Môngbak Man himself has 7 animals pos = x 2
The many doubling possibilities for the final settlement can with a good result after their own cards (usually 7 to 15 pts) drive the result at the end sometimes to dizzying heights, which can drive in the money game quickly out of business. Usually, though, to play with Amounts as 10 won per point, resulting in the ruin of a bottle of soju rather less reflected.
The last special case is called Nagari, ie after 10 cards played by two players, no one has achieved the required 7 points, to say Go / Stop. Then in the next round, the points are also doubled. In the letter points are usually taken into account only the points of the winner but for comparison reasons, the points of the loser be interesting.
Personally my best result was a round of 168 to 0 Normally, it moves but in much lower regions.
My conclusion
is gostop: happiness, communication, deception, tactics, collecting, losing, winning, snatch away, too early happy and who laughs last, laughs best.
gostop is entertaining, because it holds many tactical options to guide the happiness in his direction. It is due to the combination of luck and tactics at the same time also very suitable for beginners, as will be set against good players, first successes.
gostop school. Watch the enemy, calculate probabilities, and ultimately realize that yet again everything went very differently, which is also gostop.
gostop is relaxation and excitement: Depending on whether you skin the cards, said the trains or just quietly collects his cards, can be gostop for all moods, the matching game. From War to gostop Patience has all the makings for a good game.
short gostop has something for everyone, so 할래 한 판? (Han halla pan? You like a little game?)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Is The Scorpio Interested?

political language is always good for linguistic research. So today as the meeting of President Lee's spokesman with Park Geun-hye and reported the following nice formulation, chose the statement is correct in its evil. .
"오해 하고 있는 부분 없지 않을 것 같다"
오해 - misunderstanding
부분 - Part
"It seems that Mrs. Park does not understand any parts miss"
. .
requires special attention but the grammatical form "없지 않다"
continued that: "Not not exist" or "There are not any"
However, this is not acceptable in German because the Germans in the "not available" 없다 verb "does not exist" must be translated clever.
would be an acceptable translation into German politician, therefore in my opinion:
"It appears that Ms. Park is not free of misunderstandings on the issue"
Bottom line: If you want someone in the Korean kidding right, do not use no double to triple negations. Works reasonably well in German.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Nvidia Drivers Lan

Kim Gwang-seok, in my view one of the greatest singers of the Korean History. It is not to say that I could, what is in it as grandiose, but somewhere it's just come together that in his songs, voice, text, mood and everything else just like that 100% that to him every note simply decreases.
by his suicide at a young age to win this claim is a sad confirmation. Therefore, I would like to translate not one of the really sad songs, but one of the anthems of the democracy movement. Unfortunately, this song is for every day crap purpose.
who's in Seoul, which should please a really good version of the song in Free Bird in Hongdae von Kim Du-hwan anhoeren. Auch Du-hwan weiss, wovon sein Vorbild singt und auch bei ihm spuert man es in der Stimme.
Steh auf
own nose can not see dark night of the standing
In dunkler Nacht stehend, selbst direkt vor den Augen ist nichts zu sehen,
where I go I wonder where we look, got nowhere
wohin soll ich gehen, wo bin ich, auch umschauen hat nichts gebracht
Life is a river over the ever-MULCH like a tteodanida the
Leben, das ist wie Unkraut endlos auf dem Wasser treiben
which still touches the lake would rot with water
Und wenn man an einem ruhigen Seeufer anlangt, verrottet man mit dem Wasser

wake up
Steh auf, steh auf!
'll try again
Noch einmal probieren,
wake up
Steh auf, steh auf! Like spring buds

Wie die frischen Triebe des Frühlings
. Words in an endless

Beim endlosen Diskutieren
you weary me
Werden ich und du müde
Another worry yourself into action, not the other horses
Mit ganz anderen Taten und ganz anderen Worten sich selbst beruhigen
acknowledged that it was more the novelty increasingly moving away
Je mehr Menschlichkeit es gibt, desto weiter entfernt sich die Unvertrautheit damit,
just down the ticker every day, such as Would be shaken every day
Immer hin und her, wie ein Uhrenpendel jeden, jeden Tag in Schwingung
. Up, up

Steh auf, steh auf!
'll try again
Noch einmal probieren,
wake up
Steh auf, steh auf! Like spring buds

Wie die frischen Triebe des Frühlings
. Trying to live lightly in the end
Entanglements themselves
"Ohne Muehe leben", das ist sich selbst zu fesseln
outside world when I'm alive alive anyway
Auch wenn die Welt sich nicht um mich kümmert, lebe ich, lebe ich doch
more likely to go as soon as flowers wither
Je schöner die Blume, desto schneller geht sie dahin
dew was clear even when the sun hits 한순 간에 말라 버리지
also transparent in the sunlight shining dew dries in a single moment