Saturday, May 10, 2008

Is The Scorpio Interested?

political language is always good for linguistic research. So today as the meeting of President Lee's spokesman with Park Geun-hye and reported the following nice formulation, chose the statement is correct in its evil. .
"오해 하고 있는 부분 없지 않을 것 같다"
오해 - misunderstanding
부분 - Part
"It seems that Mrs. Park does not understand any parts miss"
. .
requires special attention but the grammatical form "없지 않다"
continued that: "Not not exist" or "There are not any"
However, this is not acceptable in German because the Germans in the "not available" 없다 verb "does not exist" must be translated clever.
would be an acceptable translation into German politician, therefore in my opinion:
"It appears that Ms. Park is not free of misunderstandings on the issue"
Bottom line: If you want someone in the Korean kidding right, do not use no double to triple negations. Works reasonably well in German.


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