Sunday, February 6, 2011

Difference Between Retro Jordans And Originals

deal "So take for my hands,"

1) So take for my hands / and lead me
until my blessed end / and ever.
I like to go alone, not one, not a step
where you will go and stand, / da me with you.

2) envelope in your mercy /
my weak heart and make it completely silent in joy and pain.
Let rest at your feet / your poor child:
it will close your eyes / and blind faith.

3) Although I do not feel the same / of your power,
you taking me but to the goal / even through the night:
take as for my hands / and I
lead to happy about my end / and ever!
This was sung at the Beeridigung of Grandpa.
At first I could not control crying. But when the song came, it was over.

"So take for my hands" - The phrase has a special meaning for me
Often, as we sat holding hands there and zuammen looked remote..


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