Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Is The Future Telling Device On Southpark


Viewing 11COLOGNE4711 cable, ACTION REQUEST:
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Reference ID

DE RUEHRL #4711/02 0290635
R 290635Z DEZ 10




E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/29/2020

REF: A. STATE 8403
B. 2010 COLOGNE 1528
C. 2010 COLOGNE 1377
D. 2010 COLOGNE 1167 

Classified By: Prof S. Snape, Minister-Counselor for very peiniche Affairs, for Reasons 1.4 (b,d).

1. (U) This is an action request, aber pronto.

2. (C) Embassy Cologne strongly recommends that the kamelin is going on their nerves. In a confidential Gespräch she beschwerte sich ohne break, that a Mr Fox is a stupid jerk with a verdächtiges Kettenkarussell in the Vorgarden. (Comment: Who the fuck is Mr Fox? We have to find out soon. End Comment.) kamelin is critical to the debate of what to do with Mr Fox. "Kicking his ass would be the best" she recommends. kamelin volunteers for this mission.

3. (C) Embassy staff raised the prospect of an inter-agency experts group visiting kamelin with xxxxx.
xxxxx who is a strong opponent of kamelin and a supporter of close U.S.-German pro-Fox cooperation and information sharing, welcomed the proposal and believed that it would make sense, "the adit Lästercow to stuff the mouth." She is a "plague of the Internet", the "Troll of the chat rooms" or, to quote Mr Fox, "the incarnation of evil."

4th (C) Over the past months, Ambassador Murphy, the DCM, and other embassy staff have engaged camel to shut up, but she wouldn `t stop talking trash to in her stupid blog. The relationship between Germany and the U.S. have deteriorated very much. camel did not take any of our bribes, instead she wants lots of liquorice sticks and a bigger Kettenkarussel than Mr Fox.
However, in these meetings, our German counterparts are on our side. They also can't stand kamelin and her ridiculous Forderungen. It is critical that we aggressively and vocally counter these misrepresentations of U.S. policy as long as kamelin writes about these discussion in her blog. We probably have to kill her url.

5. (C) In addition to our request to chancellor, Angela Tefal Merkel,  to protect the relationship between Germany and the U.S., we strongly recommend to stop kamelins activities in the internet. Nothing less than the world security steht auf dem Spiel. Key leaders all over europe had offered help, especially the russian mafia. It looks like the kamelin still owes them a dozen Kettenkarusselle.

In our meetings with kamelin we have made the point that insulting Mr Fox in a globalized world, where Forentrolle and their supporters use open borders, it makes no sense to sell Kettenkarusselle, because no one needs them. (Comment: Why the fuck she is so fixed on these mery-go-rounds? We have to find out soon. End Comment.) 

COLOGNE 00004711 002 of 002

looking desperate. We failed to see the kamelin conflict in time. This will not happen again. We have to find out, what kind of Lakritz she likes, and what she is going to do with all the Kettenkarusselle in her Vorgarden.
End comment.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Samsung Time Warner Blu Ray

And again November

Or: A very special Autumn hell.

The November and I will probably never be close friends. I would not say directly that I detest this month, but I do not like him very well, so much is certain. In November, for me to put a lot of dark memories that I will probably never quite cast off.
They say that time would heal all wounds, but takes in some cases, probably a bit longer.

But the part is for me also because of the popularity scale very far down, because for me it is by far the most expensive month of the year. The first is hardly over, because even a coast to the charge settlement. And although my current provider, the down payment increases each year happy, I always - always - pay extra a huge chunk. Under other circumstances I would allow this fact as a kind of annual plague, but the shoe pinches or elsewhere.
Every November is something broken in my household, usually a part that I hold dear, and I never know who or what it will take. has

Last Year given up my beloved Saeco coffee machine from one day to their spirit. The year before my iBook is on it went, and was no longer partout repair. Told me the whole thing has a bored Gravis technicians, in a tone that I no different unmoved, if not, can bloodless denote:
"camel woman, you can not do anything."
"What do you mean by nothing ?
" Nada, zero, nothing, not a bit, no trace, not the bean, nothing ... "
" All right, I've got it! "
Did I
already mention that I firmly believe that there is a special hell for engineers?

This year, the surprise can not be long in coming. I was just on my way to Hanover, when my car only strange noises there, suddenly starts up the oil lamp. I am not a mechanic, but I know that in such a case no longer allowed to drive meters. So I put the turn signal, slipping on the hard shoulder and open the bonnet. Actually, no oil should be missing, for my workshop examined these things twice a year, and whenever the tire change. However, I cannot for a pint, and start the Body - or at least try it. But nothing. It is as if dead, responds to any of my attempts at resuscitation. Reluctantly I pull out the cell phone and understanding the ADAC. Once the expert has considered the matter, is his opinion of devastating:
"So what" you have a Lotus Eater, "" Your oil pump is broken! "? Then you just get me a new one! "
He rolls his eyes," Good woman, this is called an engine failure, "
" And what can you do? "I tick by with tireless explorations.
"Nothing!" Gradually, I'll
really nervous.
"Define Nothing," I ask.
"Nada, zero, nothing, not a bit, no trace, not the bean, nothing ..."
nasty Möp This was probably the attic, I can not make this year really no engine trouble, not with this economy! But at this point he is foolish, and nothing I say, moderating his harsh judgments.
Did I mention that I firmly believe that there is a special hell for mechanics?

sob in my home I Tea. How should I come to a new engine - you can not simply develop those stupid piston eat? I just had to catch the single piston-eating-addicted on this planet where I'm pissed but even so? I have nothing against a pair of anorexic pistons, as long as they keep my car running. But in such conditions, the piston-union would work for sure storm. But I prefer a common imperialist, a real pig employer than that I renounce my set of wheels, yes!

Oh November, how much I hate you! Where not even the constant rain, a decent Depression to get? Is not it bad enough that I have birthday coming up, and everyone expected that I throw a big party? Is not it enough that even now calling all the Christmas preparations, and the family - and I mean the WHOLE family - again brings to my body? Do I not done so already to be bad things that as a capstone of my week as a stupid crap happens, I will not, and certainly can not use!

And although it already twenty years ago, overwhelmed me at this moment of pain, and drills like a burning poker in my heart.
It was one November day like this, when I lost my father and my sister in a traffic accident. The two were sitting in a taxi on the way to my birthday, when a vehicle rammed into the taxi. The two died at the scene. Despite the long period of time that would have to mitigate the sorrow, I cry every time bitter tears at the memory. I am overwhelmed by pain, like my whole family. This day has changed our lives irrevocably, and each of us has dealt in his own way with it. My mother never remarried, and two thirds of their remaining child refuses to bind. Maybe that is the reason that my "little" brother no longer get rid of, for he and I were totally fixated on our father, hung like two burrs in it. And my older brother? He and my sister had been a true dream team. They stuck together, as thick as thieves, so it's probably no surprise that he is after this disaster from the rest of the family estranged, has withdrawn completely.

He'm sorry, but even worse I'm doing my own suffering, and when would be the keyword snow beginning my "little" brother with me - of course without a ring before, or to ring only! Why he appears almost always when I'm just a howling misery? Did he perhaps a Heulsusenradar, the jumps whenever I threatened with my flood of tears Cologne with a new flood of the century? I have no idea how he does it, nor do I understand where this villain always knows so well what is going on with me and what I need now. He just knows it and he's there.
course, it's November, and my loss is his loss. But we do not talk about it. We can not.
"This can be determined to repair," he whispers, and weighs me like a child. But actually, we weigh each other. I pull up my very unladylike snot and moan:
"By this is the only union to blame! With the right piston that would not have happened "
can I have my brother: What kind of idiocy and I am entering from me, he does not show it. Keeps his poker face and nodded understandingly, as if to say: But of course, the unions and the power company! For which there is certainly a special hell!
But the truth is that I am the one who is in a special hell. One that has nothing to do with the devil, but with an attitude.

And although I do not want help, this comes from a very unexpected Direction, because my family is throwing together, and that gives me a nine motor for her birthday. After all, I have all the years before refused presents, no birthday, and no Christmas. But now I really need something, and this time I am not alone.
Basically, I'm never alone. I need only open your eyes, look around, and allow good things happen. Because when you stop believing in the good things in life, in the end is only bitterness and resentment, and, though so many beautiful things around us.

The next morning I trudge along with my brother through the forest of Cologne. The dead leaves cover the floor, the smell of autumn and the earth and the atmosphere is very special. Something wonderful is in the air. The wonder of nature, that deals with death and renewal. Next spring blooms and blooms again everything, and the cycle of birth and death begins again.
I'll never love in November. But maybe I can start giving my peace with him. . No such thing as an approach to risk possibly even reboot
who knows at least it is worth a try - camel says.

© Text & photo by camel in 2010
copying and linking is not allowed.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bisaya Translation Of Songs


Normally I do not like songs, which is used to tell just how bad the world in which we live and how bad we are. But if somebody is doing in such a beautiful song and such a poetic way, like Lee Sangeun the economy, then it is forgiven.
. For all
KBS-listeners (Hello Mr. Mücklich ^ ^) and all others who want to know what it is in this song, here is my rough translation. The poetry we think so, please, I would now have to think longer to get an additional newsworthy translation, because if I would hammer out. In two places I really have no idea what that means it is the translation ein reines Ratespiel.

new - Vogel
. The world is looking at you like a tiny matchbox

Deine Welt, sie ist so winzig wie eine Streichholzschachtel,
busy moving money people Sedo empty mameuro
Umherhetzende Menschen, die mit leerem Herzen ihr Geld zählen,
eopgetji flying for your own means nothing The sky is so
das hat für dich überhaupt keine Bedeutung, denn du hast den Himmel, kannst (einfach) hinaufsteigen,
you know we do not see a cloud forest of the smell of glow
Du kennst ihn wohl, den Wald aus Wolken, den Geruch des Sonnenuntergangs, den wir nicht (einmal) ansehen,
flowers across the ocean to the name of the song of an old tramp
den Namen der Blume, die am anderen Ende des Meeres blüht, ja sogar das Lied des Wanderers aus alter Zeit,
inside you dont mean all the sky flying so
Das alles bedeutet dir etwas, denn du hast den Himmel, kannst einfach hinaufsteigen
do not come down Do not come down to earth funny narrow
Komm nicht herunter, auf diese enge und lachhafte Welt, komm nicht herunter
really is no place to rest your tiny wings and
hier finden deine zarten Flügel keine Ruhe. Which

You hurt me the wings of the street to stand in a circle
Irgendwann brichst du dir die Flügel, stehst völlig hilflos mitten auf der Straße,
people want to believe in two letters in a quiet looking eye
möchtest den Menschen vertrauen, schaust sie ruhig an:
me, no power I do not. Sky flying far.
Ich habe keine Kraft. Der Himmel ist zu weit.
Do not come down narrow
Do not come down to earth funny
Komm nicht herunter auf diese enge und lachhafte Welt, komm nicht herunter
really is no place to rest your tiny wings and
hier finden deine zarten Flügel keine Ruhe.

cool breeze in the most beautiful sky ride
Da oben im schönsten Himmel, im Wind segelnd,
dazzle you it is only higher Neodawo
warst du so hoch, kaum noch fürs Auge auszumachen, nur das passte zu dir
. If you want to be buried somewhere, so

Wenn es wirklich sein muss, wenn du dich wirklich irgendwo niederlassen magst,
we do not have to go to somewhere where
Gehe irgendwohin, wo es friedlich ist, wo wir nicht sind,
mind put under the tree 'll break
sei ganz entspannt und ruhe dich unter einem Baum aus,
we 없는 평화로운 섬으로 가서 그래야 한다면
on a peaceful island, where we are not, because if it must be real.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Play Soulsilver On Emulator

한강 찬가 Ode to the Han River

If you live in Seoul, each trip to the country a chance to rest, to relax, to breathe and you're glad to have left the city behind. And if you go back around, sees the lights and the wide, wide river that divides this sea of people, glass and concrete in two now almost equal, but yet so different parts, one is glad to be home again. This feeling expresses Lee Byeong-u seinem Lied aus, das durch den Soundtrack zum Film Gwoemul (The Host) bekannt wurde.
. Han said
lot of my hometown
Han-Fluss, meine Heimat, die so viel erzählen kann,
taldo lot of my River home
Han-Fluss, meine Heimat, die so viele Gesichter hat.
love you like an accident
Wie eine unerwartete Begebenheit, so liebe ich dich.

is destined to live together
Gemeinsam zu leben ist unser Schicksal. Fireworks are not regretting

Ohne Bedauern eine Flamme werden.

rushes to follow you today
Auch heute eile ich an dir entlang,
see you live
lebe dich immer im Blick,
look at you funny
lache in deine Richtung
gutseeora we Han
sei stark, unser Han-Fluss. Han rocking

My life
Han-Fluss, mein wogendes Leben,
river my life flows
Han-Fluss, dahin fließt meine Lebenszeit.
love down the years
Eine Liebe, die schon lange fließt.

legendary place deeply buried
Eine Legende, die tief begraben liegt.
sanawojin tears for me
Tränen, die um meines Willen getrocknet sind.
Würde ich alle Übersetzungsprobleme Enumerate this post would be a never ending story. Only touched on briefly: to save the whole imagery of a river that is hard must be hard. The images of life and the tiles are there to save a lot easier, but even here there is a problem: The Korean insaeng Saengmyeong and both can be translated in German only as life. They have a subtle nuance, which I have tried in Germany with "life" to save. Saengmyeong means more biological life, freely translated as something like the "life clock that ticks.
Another nice problem, "Sago cheoreom saranghanda. Somebody like an accident. I'm not exactly sure on my translation, believe, though similar to words such as "I love you like death," which are often in Korean, to have adapted the whole to some extent the place for you is mEn not the accident at the negatives, but rather the "unprecedented event", an unexpected meeting .
at the very beginning, I also reproduced as a face mask. A mask is automatically a negative thing in German, in Korean can Talbakkum but also as very positive stand for a "change of scenery or a renovation, not like the Germans," another mask sit "a fraud, a lie, for an audition. A typical "false friend" for translators.
. Equally difficult
are so simple Details such as "Maldo maneun. Many words can be interpreted both ways: to tell a lot, never-ending story as wealth or chatterbox. The Korean people traditionally do not you like to talk a lot.
For this reason, I get bored now with no further thought to the translation process, but the conclusion still post the video so you can keep track of the song with the lyrics:


Monday, July 26, 2010

Brent Corrigan Clip Streaming

Busan dialect Part 1 - 부산 사투리 1 부

Finally I have the leisure time and the time to devote myself to one of my favorite topics, the dialect of the southern port city of Busan. I am a big Friend of the southeastern dialect diversity. Daegu, Andong, Ulsan, Gyeongju and Busan - all these cities share the characteristic of the most extensive guide to the end, very melodic accent (!). Harder than the standard Korean language and yet somehow cute, inspire confidence.
Busan dialect is also regarded as male. Most Koreans will say it can, in any dialect cursing rant so well, so well make one of Bad Boy as to Busan dialect. Anyway, I find him sympathetic and me are said by some, even a slight south accent, which is certainly the fact that many of my friends are out of the corner.
This fascination of many people with this Dialect that is very socially acceptable, in contrast to eg Chungcheong dialect about which one is funny and makes Jeolla dialect, are associated with the reverse agility and criminality, means that even many real Busan their dialect see Duch imitators at risk: A look at relevant forums revealed nothing but people who ask to be informed and in Busan Busan dialect that criticize it.
Anyway, I climb on to the trend and try the German reader this dialect closer to something.
The main dialects in the southeast is the emphasis. The normal Korean intonation, So the Seoul, most of my readers will indeed grossly in mind. Accordingly, it extends a video with very wide Busan dialect post, to show where the differences lie. Much more than to memorize the melody and you can do anyway, if you want to learn the dialect.

The differences between the south-eastern dialects are perhaps most easily demonstrated by an example sentence:
왜, 내가 누르 라고 했나? (Have I said that you should press?)
first Busan: 와 ↘ In the press → ↗ → ↗ or Cat Le → LA → ↘?
2. Daegu: and press ↗ ↘ ↗ in the LE → ↗ ↗ rakaet or ↗?
3. Gyeongju: as a → press → My ↗ ↗ ↗ La Le Cat ↗ ↗ I →?
Ein weiteres schönes Problem zeigt sich darin, dass es "weniger Silben" gibt im Busaner Dialekt, weil viele Silben vereinfacht werden. Als Schaubild sieht das dann so aus:
. The
! Ga! - Geh
that? Ga? - Der? Der von eben?
가가! Gaga! - Take this with and get out!
가가? Gaga? - Is this the? Is this some of the same?
가 가가 ... Ga gaga .... - And then you take / he / she with the
가가 가가 ~ Gaga Gaga - Yes, that's the.
가가 가가? Gaga gaga? So that's the same of?
가가 가가가? Gaga gagaga? Ga is his name?
I think now some of the characteristics of the Busan dialect have become clear in an illustrative manner and eliminates ultimate clarity. Grins.
But of course, is what the Busan dialect, not just the emphasis. Also, there are very specific phrases, specific vocabulary and grammatical endings modified. Dayu, one should say that there are even some variations in the dialect, so just on the spelling in Korean does not guarantee. From generation to generation, from district to district, there are different speech habits within the dialect, which I reproduce here are approximations, no clear dialect dictionaries. The Korean language research is indeed appear, such dialect dictionary, but there are even different individual forms listed without a specific "standard dialect form of" express.
. But enough
the preface, let's start with the most cliched, most typical and well known, the splash:
밥 문나? (Bammuna?) - Hello / how to do it (literally: Have you eaten?)
디질래? Dijillae? - You feel like dying?
와 인자 연락 하노? Wa inja yeollakhano? - What you present yourself now? (Does not own dialect forms in it, but very well shows the association of the high-skilled Korean 왜 인제 연락 하냐?)
우야꼬! - Uyakko! - Oops, phew, crass, crap, Oh No (Versatile word which is used when one is surprised or complaining about something, laments)
존나 니 내? - Ni Nae Jonna? - Do you like me? (Probably the sweetest yet chauvinistic declaration of love in the world. A Southeast man does not say that he loves a woman. He asked the woman if she likes him)
단디 (하다) Dandi (하다) - just, correct, complete, clear, etc.
. One of the most popular
vocabulary at all, vielseitig einsetzbar und irgendwie sehr niedlich.
test dandi Look - Viel Erfolg bei der Prüfung (Wörtlich: Hab den vollen Durchblick bei der Prüfung)
dandi wearing clothes Get out of the cold - Es ist kalt, zieh dich warm an.
. Dandi
Um zu ersetzen, kann man je nach Situation auch sagen: haksiri (Dialektform von definitely), cheuljeuhi (thoroughly), meme
문디 Mundi - Age (Literally: leper, smallpox face)
was used to Busan much afflicted by smallpox, there were many lepers. Previously it was accordingly a real insult. In the meantime, but that has changed dramatically and it's almost an affectionate term of endearment become what are user of couples among themselves.
Just call types with each other like 문디 자쓱아, the 자쓱 the dialect of Korean high 자식 (another "age", "buddy", "you blind") is.
땅감 Ddanggam - tomato (Literally: Khaki from the Earth)
The list will be completed on occasion, then, with more grammatical.

Monday, March 1, 2010


counting for beginners and advanced

number words or numerals, or in Korean 수사 are one of the most confusing elements of the Korean language, at least for Western learners. First of Koreans have two number systems, which can be really confusing at the beginning, because you never know exactly which one now used.
If you say "there are two people" to using the pure Korean numbers when the two men then "eating for two" ordered, take back Sino Korean.
For me, these oddities after several years of course no longer strangers and I use them instinctively.
. What
in the number words for things (1 Pet Cat ") which makes things easier also, now that is simple to most complicated things" 개 "is said, the number word for" piece ". When the cashier at the supermarket, I behaved in school Korean language say that are in the cart 8 bottles (because I'm too lazy to take out and have cash in each), they answer me "Yes, 8 pcs.
past but it was really absurd for even the unit's own word. Therefore, the statement in many textbooks that the numerals in the Japanese were far more developed, basically wrong. The difference is simply that they will give the Japanese still use differentiated, does / she did it in Korean too.
Some basic number words for beginners would be:
명 - Human
마리 - Animal
개 - piece
걸레 - Pair
벌 - Clothing
Always use to the following formula: specific thing / number / About Group.
Thus: cat 1 animal, a 고양이 마리
would be something more advanced then words such as:
건 - eg two messages, two messages, but also cases etc. (2 뉴스 건, also shows that you can use it as normal with foreign words by the way)
포기 - on grass, cabbage, etc.
채 - House
접 - parcels, packaging
But it is really interesting, if these units are then combined to form new ones.
. For example

20 animals Kwae White Fish 1 (20 북어 마리 - 1 쾌)
24 pieces needles found 1 Ssam (바늘 24 개 - 1 쌈)
100 fruits yield a Jeob (감 100 개 - 1 접)
20 pcs squid give a Chuk (오징어 20 마리 - 1 축)
20 packs of drugs result in a more (한약 20 접 - 1 제)
make 10 bowls (just stacked and tied together) a Juk (그릇 10! 개 - 1 죽)
And finally my favorite, because he explained most simply, how come all these measure words and what they were good:
2 fish yield a Son (생선 마리 2 - 1 손)
Son means that is simply "hand". A "hand" fish were just 2 fish. So simple.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Meagn Good With Short Hair

Nobel Peace Prize for the Internet! (And net neutrality)

Sign up for the Internet For Peace and become part of the movement to nominate the Net for a Nobel Peace Prize