Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Message For Hens Card

This year everything is better!

I've racked my brain, which I could write in January. Christmas is yesterday, and no one wants to be remembered in mind. So would the executive summary read about my unholy night like this:

My big brother knew how everything always better to know my sister in law is even still better, my "little" brother zusammengefriemelt for hours with our nephews, including a Lego airport station, terminal and two pilots, my mother stood all evening in the kitchen, and I have half an hour in a 10-minute intervals lensed at the clock and wondering when, if the Rules of courtesy it is that I'm from the field, and whether anyone would notice if I my sister-in-the gravy in the face cannot.

motivated Accordingly, I have sold my New Year's Eve with friends in Norderney. Before my flight I have to but my suitcase packed a bite too quickly. Otherwise I can not tell me that I was thinking just about everything (hot water bottle, hammer drill, sun screen, Globus, question mark), but just my underwear in Cologne failed. Did I mention that on Norderney in January, the dog is buried? The business is still recovering from the last invasion of tourists and make myself somewhere holidays. Possible where it is not so freezing cold, windy as on their island. As has opened at Christmas hardly a shop, I was initially pleased when I found after long search, a lingerie shop. It looked, however, as if it had been renovated anno 1920, the last time - just like its owner. What is a pantie, I had to paint on her, and her interpretation of them looked as if it came straight from the medical supply store. After I slipped into the Hosette was (different one can hardly call the panties), I hung the collar just below the shoulders. In this context struck me to the question of whether you impregnate the part, and in the summer as a camp could use.
My salvation was a drug store, which - believe it or not - in fact, had underwear in the range, which was not one to support stocking group. Three cheers!

So a new year invites you to step back once and take a critical look at the past twelve months. The optimist in me says this, I collected a lot of experience, and I have developed in many ways. But he is, however, by my pessimist a rough nudge one. The two types are on the right and left on my shoulder and I babble mercilessly full:
O: "2010 was not all that bad - I would even go as far to say that you've been gone a good step forward"
P: "Next, even if it is headed for an abyss, it would be better to avoid the side, rather than sell the whole thing as Safari?"
O: "From abyss because only those who treads the untrodden paths, will continue to come at the end!"
P: "What interests me the hell the end , I'm now
O:" Is there something more important, as a collective experience? "
P:" Do you want an alphabetical listing or by priority "
" Shut up, both "
This is from me, and once more I understand why me my big brother? for Soziopathin holds.

All right, this year was not what I expected, but it was certainly not bad. Granted, I had a huge job stress, and yes, twelve months ago, I thought that I would be at other locations at the end. On the other hand, I have learned a lot and so many things done. also says but you, the journey is the goal, and that applies to me in any case.
What should I complain? My life is beautiful, just as it is. And I work every day to make it better still. For this reason, I must take care of me more and more often times insert a break. You may want to run and run as much as you: One thing I learned last year foolproof. . If you sit in the wheel, you get on not

In this sense I wish all the hamsters this world a good start to the year, combined with one of my Glückskeksweisheiten:
Just because you get used to these bars, is it much longer not normal to live in a cage. And just because you forgot your underwear, it does not mean that you should camp - camel says.

© 2011 camel


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